In this document we will find exactly what we must bring physically and completed the day of the registration. Therefore, it is necessary to print it and we will only fill in the initial part where it indicates the name and grade. Since the rest will be filled out by the person who receives the documents here at school. Unlike the rest of the documents, this one will not be filed but released right from the start.
If any missing document from said list or some document is poorly completed, it will not be possible formalize enrollment and you will have come back when everything is in order.
1. A Username and Enrollment Number were sent to the students' institutional email as access to enter the following platform:
2. Once inside it we will begin to fill in all the fields as precisely as possible, all fields with * are required. We recommend that you take note of the code which appears on the STUDENT INFORMATION page.
3. Every time we finish a page, the NEXT button appears at the bottom and we continue filling in until we reach the DOWNLOAD DOCUMENTS FOR REGISTRATION section.
4. On this page we will find each of the documents to be printed, filled out and signed as indicated by each of them.
5. Finally we give SAVE at the bottom. And we download the last document called REGISTRATION SHEET, which is filled out with the data that we just filled out previously on the platform. Parents and students sign it and attach it to the rest of the documents.

We enter the PAYMENT RECEIPTS platform and with the student code. Within the platform we can do 2 things:
Download the REGISTRATION PAYMENT RECEIPT and if you want you can make the payment by PSE, otherwise we print it and pay directly at the bank.
We remind you that if you are not up to date in pensions will not allow access to these 2 documents.