PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA AND PRIVACY POLICY.- The privacy and protection of the data of the holders obtained through the website is essential for COLEGIO SANTA TERESA DE JESÚS, therefore in the treatment of personal data that do not have a private nature. of public, guarantees and maintains absolute confidentiality of these, during or after the activities of its treatment, adhering only to the use authorized by the Law or by its owner and in accordance with the terms indicated in said authorizations and in the Treatment Policy. data you can view HERE.
The USER of the website acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done voluntarily and taking into account the characteristics of the website and the purposes of data processing, expressly authorizing that such information is stored in databases that contain your profile. , which can be used by COLEGIO SANTA TERESA DE JESÚS and in the terms established herein. The USER may modify, update, rectify or delete the personal data provided at any time, or revoke the authorization for their treatment, for which they must consult the procedures established in the Data Treatment Policy.
CONFIDENTIALITY AND RESERVATION.- COLEGIO SANTA TERESA DE JESÚS, in compliance with the Data Processing Policy, establishes the appropriate mechanisms to grant the confidentiality and reservation of personal data collected through its website and uses them solely and exclusively for the purposes authorized by the holders of the personal data and by the Law.